Often I find that the daily routine needs a jolt to get the creative juices flowing. The day-to-day chores of laundry, and grocery shopping can put you in a rut. Even talking to the same people, seeing the same streets, and eating the same food day after day, can be a bit mind-numbing. Our lives can get too comfortable and easy. Our minds need to be challenged to fire them up.
Travel can turn everything on its head. Not only do we experience new places, cultures, and life-styles, but our routines get disrupted. We have to work hard to problem solve, and communicate. We are sometimes challenged with the simplest things like where a light switch is in a dark hotel room. How the shower works. Figuring out how to get from point A to point B can become a major undertaking.
I remember once trying to travel from Walnut Creek, a small community in California to downtown San Fransisco on the BART system. I had to figure out the map at the station, and if my trip was going to be one zone or two, and how much that would cost. Then, it turned out I didn’t have the exact change required. I had to walk to a store and buy some gum to get the correct amount. This whole process took close to half an hour. The next time I took the BART it took only a few minutes to get my ticket.
I find I don’t do much writing when I am traveling, I am too involved in doing other things. But I notice that when I come back home, and sit down at my laptop to pick up where I left off on a project my approach is fresher and more energized. I have a new perspective on my work. It’s more than having just taken a break from work, my creativity has had a boost.
Trips don't need to be long and exotic, or expensive. Changing even small things in your daily routine can help to kick start creativity. Take an entirely different route to the grocery store. Take a bus instead of driving. Walk.
Just do something different.