Everyone Has a Story to Tell


Sometimes I hear people say, “What can I write about that hasn’t already been done? I don’t have anything new or important to say.”

The thing is we all have something to say. We all have a story to tell--more than one! If you dig deep enough you will find something that happened in your life, something you experienced, observed, or learned, that was significant to you. It doesn’t have to be earth-shattering or of great importance. It can be as simple as an unusual interaction with a stranger that left you feeling shaken and you’re not sure why. If it resonates with you it will probably resonate with others. That’s because the human condition, in all its various facets, is endlessly fascinating. Have you ever watched a stand up comic and wondered how even one small detail from his life, even something mundane, can be fodder for such great storytelling? The audience hangs on every word because they identify with the situation. They connect with the story.

It’s true that you’d be hard pressed to find a topic that hasn’t already been written about in some form or other. But that doesn’t matter. It’s your take on the story, your style, your insights, that will make it unique.