You might think that once a publisher accepts a manuscript all they have to do is print it off and send it to the stores. But publishing is a process just like writing is a process.
It often takes a year or longer. There are many steps. Sometimes there is a substantive editing needed and the time to do revisions. (Once I had to trim a manuscript by 1/3). There is copyediting and proofreading. It needs to be checked over meticulously and revised again. Then comes the typesetting, when the interior of the book is laid out like an actual book. That’s where I am currently with my latest book and it’s exciting to see it get to this stage. Still to come, will be the cover design (!!!) After all that, it will finally go to the printers.
And while these things are happening there is also the planning and logistics around the publication season, the marketing and the distribution.
Coming: the fall of 2020….. Songs From a Small Town (in a Minor Key)