This is a time when we’d all like to forget the Covid-19 pandemic and escape to an entirely different world. For readers it’d frustrating that libraries and bookstore are closed. But before you go on-line and order a book through Amazon, take a moment to consider something different. If you’re like me there’s at least one old book that’s been overlooked for years. It’s been sitting there on your shelf, gathering dust. You may have had good intentions of reading it at one time, but in all the pre-pandemic busyness of normal everyday life it’s been forgotten.
I’ve just read Emma by Jane Austin – turns out I had two copies of it, but never read it before. Other delightful finds on my shelf are: The Call of the Wild, A Tale of Two Cities, and Silas Marner.
Go to your own bookshelf and see what’s there. Maybe it’s a classic. Maybe it’s a genre you don’t ordinarily read. But give it a try. You might just be surprised how much you like it.